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"Financial Education is key to create LASTING financial comfort"


Sree Mantrana is a financial services company engaged in financial education initiatives


                    OUR VISION     -  Create Financially comfortable families

                    OUR MISSION  -  Inculcating right financial habits.

                                                  building skills and impart knowledge for prudent financial decisions.

                                                  bridging gap in understanding investment options.


Financial Education Initiatives


Our financial Education programs are aimed to strengthen 7 key areas of money management.



Reducing outstanding loans effectively and planning future loans prudently






Learn to understand risks in areas of life,health,possessions and retirement living and evaluate the insurance needs  against options available



Evaluating Retirement needs, the corpus required and how to get there



learning about available investment options and handpick the right one for your needs



Identifying the right investment vehicle requires defining one’s goals, the corresponding timelines and match them up with ideal investment option.


Sree Mantrana will assist you in identifying the right investment option in sync with your life goals and guide you in execution and regular monitoring of your investment basket.



Create sufficient surplus for goal fulfillment

Define and evaluate goals, identify resources, create a plan and achieve your goals


Needs Analysis - exploring your needs and problems

Design a Financial Education Programme

Build targeted communication to drive program awareness

Conduct the program

Provide After Action Review (AAR)


Financial Education Program FAQs


1) What is financial literacy?


Financial Literacy encompasses spreading knowledge of best money practices which include:
• Numerical knowledge
• Knowledge of how to access information and resources
• planning skills (budgeting and saving)
• Financial skills to make informed decisions about earning, spending, saving, borrowing, and investing
• Risk management skills – planning for unforeseen events
• Market awareness



2) Why is it important?


All our money skills and habits are experiential in nature. We learn and practice money management based on some good and bad experiences in life. Add to this some key factors like the below
• Lack of a robust financial education program at school level
• Lack of financial skills to make informed decisions
• High risk and unpredictable environment
• Complex Financial products and services
• Growing consumerism and falling saving rate
These explain why financial distress is increasing among employees. Therefore, building awareness on money management becomes crucial.



3) What is the current situation of financial literacy in India?


• Only 32% Financial Literacy rate in India (means people being aware of some financial terminology at least)
• Retail investors contribute to only 9.2% of investments in Indian Markets
• Only 26% of women have accounts with any formal financial institution
• The cause for employees experiencing higher stress is due to financial distress in 73% cases.

• The cause for employees facing health issues is due to financial distress in 52%



4) Who is Sree Mantrana Financial Services LLP and what is their expertise in handling this subject ?


Sree Mantrana is a financial education company founded by financial services professionals,
on a mission to create “financially comfortable” families. The expert trainer associated with
us is a Practicing Financial Planner managing financial planning requirements of 100+
families. The training modules have been carefully crafted basis our experiences and
expertise in personal finances.



5) How are these sessions different from the ones available in the market ?


There are many stakeholders including Regulators, Financial Institutions, and service
providers, who are contributing to the effort of building financial awareness among public.
We are one among them. However, our survey of current situation indicates that there is a
lot of focus on investor awareness programs and tax management sessions. We find none or
limited effort in “building financials skills, habits, better debt management, creating better
surpluses, defining financial needs and work towards achieving them”. One will think of
investing only after generating surpluses and this is the reason only 9.2% of market
capitalization is contributed by retail investors.

Sree Mantrana’s Financial Education Programs (FEP’s) are built as capsules and aim at building
financial skills, habits, and knowledge bit by bit and systematically.



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